"Oneiric Echoes" immerses players in an emotional adventure where reality and dreams converge. The protagonist, a little girl named Luna, experiences a tragic incident when she has a heated argument with her father. In a moment of intensity, he pushes her, causing Luna to hit her head and fall into a deep coma.Inside her mind, Luna finds herself trapped in a dream world full of challenges and riddles. To awaken, she must solve intricate puzzles that manifest in both the dream world and real life. This is where her alter ego, a shadowy and mysterious version of herself named Noctis, comes into play.Game Mechanics:The game takes place in two parallel dimensions: reality and the dream world. Players control Luna in the real world and Noctis in the dream world. Both worlds are interconnected, and solving puzzles in one directly affects the other.Puzzles in Real Life: Luna, in a coma, must guide her alter ego Noctis in the dream world to overcome obstacles and unlock new paths.Puzzles in the Dream World: Noctis, in turn, must explore Lunas subconscious to uncover memories, confront her fears, and solve puzzles that will directly affect Lunas state in real life.Strategic Collaboration: Players must coordinate actions between Luna and Noctis to advance, leveraging each others unique abilities to overcome challenges.